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The [Illum] Ninja Guide

Discussion in 'General' started by Xeraphobiac, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Xeraphobiac

    Xeraphobiac PvP Moderator

    Jul 19, 2013
    Who am I?
    Hey everyone, my name is xSpectra. I am the founder of Illuminati and am here to share with you my knowledge of the PvP Ninja. I play this class a lot and it is by far my favorite to play with its insane damage potential and survivability. While some of you may disagree with certain aspects of this guide, I'm sure that you will find at least some of it helpful. Without further ado, let's get right into it!

    Target Audience: Any and all 200 Ninjas

    Interception (1) - 80
    Sneak (2) - 100
    Shuriken Toss (3) -150

    Other Skills:
    Pet Master/Riding - 0/0
    Climbing/Hang Glider - 5/50
    Swimming/Sailing - 10/0

    140% Tempo, 100% Crit (These are rough figures; don't be afraid if your stats aren't exactly what I have)
    Reasoning: While some off you may currently favor Tempo or hybrid Tempo/Crit builds, I find that full Crit is much too valuable to give up. Tempo is more useful when auto-attacking while Crit is more useful with skill-based damage. While a hybrid (240% Tempo, 50% Crit) build is "ideal," putting yourself in melee range proves far too dangerous to be beneficial as your key goal is to survive while doing as much damage as possible.

    Weapon Choices:
    Allow me to preface this section by saying that weapon for Ninja is mostly a matter of personal preference.
    Longsword - The longsword gives you a much longer reach than the other two weapons, especially with M2. This enables you to land 1 from a greater distance than with daggers or fists, giving you the element of surprise. Additionally, the hitbox of the weapon is larger. A good, strong choice for beginners and veterans alike. M2 hits three times in a narrow arc, each equal to a third of standard M2 damage.
    Daggers - Dual daggers have a shorter range than a longsword but easily make that deficiency up elsewhere. Since they are single-handed weapons, they grant an attack speed boost. More attacks per second translate into greater mana generation per second, which means harder hitting M2's faster. M2 hits once in a narrow arc for standard M2 damage while also applying poison (poison has no effect as seen yet).
    Fists - Fists have the shortest range out of all the weapons. However, do not underestimate them. Even with a short M1 range, the M2 hits in an arc completely surrounding the player for standard M2 damage. This hitbox makes landing M2's and intercept much easier. In addition to this, fists also have the highest attack speed boost. They generate mana incredibly fast while still doing significant damage with M1. My weapon of choice.

    Note: Daggers and fists can be equipped together; it is not necessary to equip two daggers or two fists.

    Basic Strategy:
    As a ninja, our role is to utilize knowledge of our opponent and the surrounding terrain in order to win duels. Let's start from the beginning. In most cases, try to be the one to initiate the fight. A full 1-3 combo (assuming all the shuriken land) can do upwards of 2000 damage. That's enough to kill mages and deal significant damage to other classes. If you land this straight off the bat, your opponent will be afraid to come near you due to your now massive kill potential on them. If this initial burst doesn't kill your opponent, you now have a little more work to do. While your abilities are on cooldown, avoid damage as much as possible. In some cases, one stun is all it takes for your opponent to disintegrate you into voxel dust. Don't let that happen through clever use of the dodge button (M3) and hang glider. When you're doing this, begin looking for holes in your opponent's play. As soon as your 1 comes back up, exploit those weaknesses to land a stun (a more advanced technique is stunning with a charged M2 then hitting with 1). When the 1 animation completes, attack a few times, then 3 for the finishing blow. Be careful not to delay your 3 too much because you want to land a few more hits for there is far more damage in a perfect 3. This is your basic combo. In some cases, it may be necessary to 3-1, following through with 1 if every shuriken of 3 lands. These cases include but are not limited to fighting high health potters, dodging an ability/attack, and sticking onto a target.

    What Counters Us:
    Since we are relatively stun-reliant, people who dodge often present a greater challenge. Combat this by counting their dodges and keeping track of their stamina bar. Feints can also be useful in this situation as they cause your opponent to waste precious dodges. When they cannot dodge any longer, strike!

    Ninja is a very burst-centered class and because of this, health potions are a great counter to us. In order to defeat enemies who use potions, you must either defeat them with one stun or constantly apply damage. More commonly, the stun-kill is enough. However, against classes like the warrior, it may be necessary to 3-1 as the delayed stun gives more time for auto-attacks and therefore, more damage. This is more difficult to pull off successfully but gives greater burst to the user.

    Lastly, classes that can kite efficiently (e.g. mages and rangers) counter Ninjas. These players will keep you away while constantly doing damage. There really is no counter to this beyond dodging attacks while getting in range to land a stun. Kill these enemies as quickly as possible.

    Basic Steps to Improving:
    1. There's a dodge button (M3). Learn to use it and learn to use it well. For you more experienced players out there, try to dodge only when necessary. This conserves stamina and ensures that you will (almost) always have a dodge available.

    2. There's a special attack button (M2). Because Crit Ninja is heavily skill-reliant for damage, most of us tend to forget that we have M2. It can stun fairly easily and has large damage output. Remember to use it.

    3. Whenever you're not gliding/attacking, you should be stealthed. Make it a habit to hit 2 whenever you complete any objective. Stealth, while not as effective as it could be right now, is still a useful tool for mana generation and making life more difficult for your enemy; especially at night. A general tip for fighting at night is to activate your lantern exactly prior to executing an attack. Though difficult at first, night fighting should become second nature. The night is your friend.

    4. Land your skillshots. I can't emphasize this enough. In this game, a single skillshot could mean the difference between life and death. If you land every single one of your skillshots, you're sure to be on your way to the top.

    5. Don't adhere to a playstyle. Try new things, experiment, and adapt. Don't only shuriken when you have a stun; learn to 3 a moving target. I can't tell you how many times I have secured a kill due to mid-air shuriken colliding with a gliding target. Experimentation will prevent anybody from hard-countering you.

    6. Fight. PvP keeps you sharp and focused. If you stop fighting other players, you will stop improving. Seek other players out for a duel if necessary. All that matters is you keep active.

    That's it for now guys. I hope that you found it thorough and helpful. If you have any questions or would like to discuss with me a section of the guide, leave a comment or just PM me! Lastly, remember to have fun; it's a game after all.

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
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  2. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    Great guide man. Hopefully we see one of these for every specialization.
  3. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    Note, you only need one good fist and one good dagger as they can be equipped together without any bugs. which ever of the two is in your main hand(right) will decide what skill set you get.
  4. Scroats

    Scroats Member

    Jul 18, 2013
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Good guide ^^ Scroats #1 NA First Ninja :O
  5. Scroats

    Scroats Member

    Jul 18, 2013
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Fist Ninja*
  6. TheNinth

    TheNinth Developer PvP Moderator

    Jul 15, 2013
    Really good guide! I like the last tips the most.
    They're... wise.
  7. Nara

    Nara PvP Moderator

    Jul 31, 2013
    Germany :O
    Why.... swimming 50? :/
  8. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    Always be faster then your target. :p
  9. Nara

    Nara PvP Moderator

    Jul 31, 2013
    Germany :O
    xD, but in the area we pvp, there isnt water :p
  10. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    Fair enough.
  11. Xeraphobiac

    Xeraphobiac PvP Moderator

    Jul 19, 2013
    There's a point that I've found where skills start to increase in usefulness less and less per point. This hovers around the 40-50 point mark (please correct me if I'm wrong). At this point, it's just a waste of points to sink any more into that skill unless there really is nowhere else to put points. See for yourself; increase hang gliding from 50 to 100, mark the difference, and repeat for 100 to 150. See how beneficial it is. I put the last 50 points in swimming because there are scenarios in which I fight in the water. Regardless, keep in mind that this is a guide and that you don't have to follow it word for word. This is just what I chose for myself and what works for me.
  12. Nara

    Nara PvP Moderator

    Jul 31, 2013
    Germany :O
    I know that i dont have to follow word for word, but it's just great! :D
    Thank you for this guide :p
  13. Xeraphobiac

    Xeraphobiac PvP Moderator

    Jul 19, 2013
    Updated for the new level cap.
  14. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    What is the new level cap? :eek:
  15. ZeZeene

    ZeZeene The Technomancer Supporter IV

    Jul 2, 2013
    Control Room One
    Level 200, for balancing purposes.
  16. mysticmage11

    mysticmage11 New Member

    Aug 12, 2013
  17. grey

    grey Member

    Jul 24, 2013
    there are already one but being update