I got banned for hp hack and mp and stealth hack but I never got baned before for doing it but I know now not to hack again.
Okay 2nd times a charm xD so what you do is go on the forums and click the mod template in "applications"that kainzo made and post your application
Hi everyone! I'm a long term player on cubeworld and you may have met me on the server known as Dylan, I hope to have some fun with you guys
Hey, I wanted to join ur clan, (SADI), and I was reading, and it said to talk to you. Am I talking to the right person? If I am, just PM me back. Thanks! Oh, and my ign on cubeworld is ~Causeways, lvl 500 warrior.
Hello JayJay, this is the right person. I'm glad that you have an interest in joining our clan and I appreciate you messaging me first before just joining. Anyway, all that you need to do now is find me on the server and ask for a test. So when you see me just say my name and I'll come see if you're good enough. Thanks!
Hey everyone I haven't been on in a looooong time! Because my laptop was stolen along with my cube worlds files :(
please kainzo. if you want to give you my skype, my facebook and my Raidcall, anything but get me the ban ip, my ip is .... please T_T
Get me out please the IP ban is not my fault it was my brother, and I'm not that guy who donot daniel and more siquieren give you my skype facebook hotmail they want D:
Kainzo... Herocraft... *click* Oh! Why, hello again. Haven't seen you in over a year. ;) I doubt you remember me, but it's amazing that I somehow found you on a different game. '-'
I put it on the internet for you to see and maybe obtain from here: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-KoJTovbnUjY/Ut7OnuX7bHI/AAAAAAAAAFI/sZ6GfJCpyHE/w623-h327-no/Screenshot+%252820%2529.png