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New Profile Posts

  1. 0mega
    0mega iRubTacos
    1. iRubTacos
      What? xD
      Sep 13, 2014
    2. 0mega
      It's about the conversation we had. ^^
      Sep 14, 2014
    3. iRubTacos
      Oh, okay :P
      Sep 14, 2014
  2. iRubTacos
    iRubTacos Nara
    Even though your not active, if you ever come back on, happy birthday :D
  3. cupcake
    cupcake Sora
    are you even coming back? you were unbanned and never got on....
    1. Sora
      I come one rarely, cubeworld isn't much fun to me atm.
      Sep 24, 2014
    2. Sora
      Sep 24, 2014
  4. cupcake
    cupcake iRubTacos
    zoeyz says hi :PPPPP
    1. iRubTacos
      Alright :P hi zoey
      Sep 8, 2014
  5. Adrianix
    Adrianix iRubTacos
    IrubTacos can you please come to herocube beacuse there's a hacker called theson he's a warrior and he's blocking he's hp and he's spam the smash ability and killing everybody
  6. Tyk
    Tyk iRubTacos
    What a nice profile picture!
    1. Adrianix likes this.
    2. iRubTacos
      Yes :D
      Aug 24, 2014
  7. Kainzo
    Been busy working on things behind the scenes. Fun times!
    1. iRubTacos likes this.
  8. Kainzo
  9. Inward
    Inward iRubTacos
    hey rub this sounds crazy but i want to be a mod x3
  10. cupcake
    cupcake iRubTacos
    lol if u google "herocube.net" it shows with all da pics ever on here xD (in google imgs)
  11. cupcake
    cupcake Kainzo
    lol im in first place in most posts <3
  12. cupcake
    cupcake iRubTacos
    love ur new pic :P
    1. iRubTacos
      Aug 21, 2014
    2. cupcake
      i want that blue girl in the person's hand lol
      Aug 21, 2014
  13. cupcake
    cupcake Sinon
    welcome to herocube! :P
    1. Sinon
      thx ^.^
      Aug 25, 2014
  14. Syntaxx
  15. cupcake
    cupcake Blui
    if u can't get on cw then u can't be in the clan.
  16. cupcake
    cupcake iRubTacos
    idk i feel sorry for sora lol he was a good friend :l
    1. Sora
      Aug 24, 2014
  17. Tyk
    Tyk iRubTacos
    NUB <3
    1. iRubTacos
      Aug 17, 2014
  18. iRubTacos
  19. cupcake
    cupcake TheEvilPotato69
    new pic wut ya think?
  20. cupcake
    cupcake Blui