In-game name: Zuty Location: Pennsylvania Age: 23 Have you voted for Herocube (No? Click here)?: I have now. Reason you should be accepted to CubeWorld Server: I love role playing; I both play several table top RPGs and I am the game master for a game. I love adventures; be it in a game, a movie, or a book, I have always enjoyed a great adventure. I love exploration; when I play a video game, I spend a lot of time looking for secrets hidden about the land, traveling long distances for a quest, or even climbing to the top of the world just for the view. I bring with me a determined and curious spirit that will lead to many grand tales; I just need a place to do all of this and It certainly sounds like this is the perfect server for me to do just that. And, if accepted, I very much look forward to building friendships and while creating some tales along the way. Thank you for your time, ~Zuty