Greetings Heroes! It's been a busy time for our Cubeworld server, there's been a lot of growing pains lately. I temp shut the server into a "staff" only mode. This ensured that player's characters wouldn't be corrupted by hackers while @Wollay fixes the multiplayer saving issue or we can get a good ban management/whitelist system in place. Whitelisting! The Cubeworld server will be accepting the whitelist applications very soon. We will be enacting a private IP that will only be given to those who are found to not be hackers/cheaters. In addition to the whitelist/private IP, we will be banning IP's based on a blacklist method. The cubeworld server tool will allow us to "globally" accept all IP's and only ban the bad ones. This is just the tip of the iceberg for Herocube, we have a lot more stored for Cubeworld RPG. I hope you guys hang in there for our growing pains and know that we are working hard to try and bring a great thing to everyone! If you happen to want to support our Herocube server early, feel free to a gift/donation to [email protected] We've setup our Cubeworld forums nicely and still open to suggestions if anyone has them. Coming this week, I will be accepting staff members/moderators for both the forums and the server (when we have a permission system for Cubeworld RPG so it may be a little early). Apply early Here! | Vote for Herocube | Hope to see you cubing! -Herocube: Cubeworld Server Staff
I can see why being an admin/moderator would be cool and all... but... I can't moderate or administrate at all. sadface.