So I've found a way to whitelist users to the server.. however we are a great divide. The only way at the moment is to... Whitelist based on IP. Which means that if you move locations or get a new IP - you will have to be rewhiteisted. This is a huge cumbersome activity as the whitelist would need to be updated manually by me or on each restart when we have a batch of users to add. How do you feel about ip whitelist management for our Cubeworld server?
I think a IP white-list would definitely cutout most of the cheat/hacking. However this would be a ton of work for only one person. Correct? Plus it will only cut out some aspects of the cheating that's happening. A white-list will make cheaters apply, which in turn should stop a lot of cheaters from entering the server. However, unless there is another reason for a IP white-List I don't think it's really worth only one person putting in all those IP's. If you can white-list can you blacklist?
I don't think it's such a good idea, simply because of all the trouble it will cause one person. But, if IP-whitelisting is the only way, then so be it. How will you gather that data?
If Im correct, he can see everyone's IP when they open the forums on their computers, and when he decides to accept someone's app for the IP whitelist, he'll just check the IP that account uses and adds it.
How bothersome... I'd play both at home and at school where I live normally. On the school, there are other people as well... and I know at least ONE other ( my roommate ) will get Cube World. He wouldn't be whitelisted and could easily access the server because of him sharing my IP, right? Or am I a complete stupid moron that doesn't get anything related to internet stuff at all? Or both? Probably both. So my main concern is multiple people living within one household, who shares IP with each other. Person A is a nice guy and doesn't hack Person B is a hacker, and he knows that he can access the server because of IP whitelisting. See where I'm going? Would that become a problem?
If two people share the same IP and that IP-address is whitelisted, then both of them will be able to access the server. We'd be insane to keep this method of whitelisting any longer than absolutely necessary, though. It's hard to maintain and can simply cause too much problems, but it's better than nothing. Question being, do the pros and cons to this method justify the amount of effort necessary to keep it up.
I think that the whitelisting should run on an automated system where if a player has been whitelisted on the forums, they can use their login to allocate an IP address to their username, so technically players have whitelist "slots". This would best be done automatically, for example it whitelists the IP that provided adequate authentication on a GET request for or whatever. However, this system has it's flaws, especially when you consider people trying to brute force it, although as with any authentication thing you could lock all attempts for 10 minutes after a user fails to logic four times.
We're working on something now... we're going to whitelist by giving out the private IP to those players and then blacklist those who hack. It's not full protection but I feel it will do quite well.
WHAT!! Are you proposing I make a new character instead of using my level 6 Ninja Rogue! Or my level 3 Scout Ranger! Or my level 2 Water Mage! Or my level 3 Berzerker Warrior! Yeah... wouldn't really matter much, would it?
That might actually be a great idea, however, I don't like the prospect of having to find awesome gear all over again. The tradeoff would be that we don't have as many level 90s running around being bored because most people don't want to powerlevel. So I vote YES! Now go, make a poll thread so that I can vote properly!
Oh wow, I thought it was like at level 890231567832991274132958761343012694. Actually, I thought it was IMPOSSIBLE to reach 100 power