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harassment report

Discussion in 'General' started by cupcake, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. cupcake

    cupcake Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    so today i was playing and then i got called "copycake" and "poopcake" so wanted to write a report.
    the players where hizzle, ghost, and kiaron (kairon because he wanted to know what NOT to call me (guess to use it against me :|) and thats why his name is included) i was really mad and Sora did this before! and hurt my feelings a lot more then this time. i would like these 3 players punished and to be asked TO NOT HARASS ANY OTHER PLAYER i know they might be my friends but name calling is unlikely for me to forgive (if its to me or my friends) i really hope they get punished somehow..... but still i don't think people SHOULD be aloud to harass others i think that should be a rule

    thank you for your time
  2. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    This is unfortunate. Though there is nothing any of us can do unless you provide us with screen shots. This goes for everyone, screenshots, screenshots, screenshots!

    On a side note, I'm sure you'll live ;)
  3. Arya

    Arya Member

    Jan 9, 2014
    Holy shit it's tyk :eek:
  4. cupcake

    cupcake Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    idk how to take screenshots ;-;
  5. 0mega

    0mega Member

    Jan 23, 2014
    On most keyboards there should be a button that says PRT SC. Some computers require ALT and PRT SC to be pressed simultaneously. After taking the screenshot, move to paint (which is what I use) and press CTRL and V to pull up the image. Next, you can crop if you'd like and save it. Then, upload it to a URL - I recommend imgur. Lastly, Copy the image URL. You then can come to the forums, press IMAGE and paste the image URL. Hope this helps.
  6. cupcake

    cupcake Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    ok bu-butt i didn't take any and it happened yesterday so how am i gonna post em?
    P.S this does help :p