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Nick's Application

Discussion in 'Applications' started by NickLawl, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. NickLawl

    NickLawl New Member

    Nov 18, 2013
    1. In-game name: Nickcagnolin
    2. Location & Age: USA, New York. 17 years old.
    3. Referral(s)[Optional]:
    4. Have you voted for Herocube (No? Click here)?:Yes :D
    5. Reason you should be accepted to CubeWorld Server: I'm really enjoying the PvP server of Herocube; people can meet each other, trade items/souls, or join a group and fight together. I love it, and I would like to join this community to live out these experiences with everyone else.
  2. Sickkness

    Sickkness Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    I dont know if you applicated for the wrong but you can come and go as you want ^^. Still, welcome to Herocube c: