This is the official 1StNation thread. Here we are going to write down who are our enemies, ally's, members and other information. How to get in 1StNation: You have to be a good Cube World player. You have to be level 200 (as long as that is the level cap). Post your stats here, it is to left in your inventory (This is not needed if I have played with you on the server). The easiest is to be a good player on the server. If you are a good player and I notice you, you will get a invite as long as you are not in a clan. If you already are in a clan, you have to ask to be invited, because I am not stealing others clans members. You can apply to join, write it with as much effort you can. Our clan tag is [1st], type it in front of your name when you join Rules: Just follow the server rules Members: Clan leader: Combate Officers: Hullunmyll (Other players will be asked if they wanna be a Officer) Members: Ben Thorin Pena Secret We have one more but I haven’t seen him for a long time (I do not remember his full name sry) (If I have written any of your names wrong please let me know) Ally's: ILLUMINATI Enemies: FR
I know that I have spelling errors. My english is not perfectly good. If you can please tell me what is wrong with the text, I would been very happy. Thanks agian for replying.
If you use Google Chrome - the spelling errors will be in "red underline" just right click and click the first (sometimes second) selection.
It depends on the language he has set. My language is german, so Google Chrome underlines nearly everything.
I can help, go to Options, then at the bottom "show Advanced options". Then scroll down until you see "Downloads". Above it, is "Language".