Hey everyone I am Tykngr, Tyk for short, I can't wait to see where Wollay will go with Cubeworld and how Herocube will follow. I am looking forward to playing with and getting to know all of you.
Thanks! If this turns out anything like Herocraft I'll be amazing, and I don't doubt this will be anything less then amazing.
Like I said in my thread, nice to meet you and I hope that I get the chance to really have some fun times here.
That's how I thought it would be said, though I'm still wondering about Tykngr. Tykingear? Tyke'n'gear? Whatevs.
I am not sure how the full IGN is said. It's different and I just ended up sticking with it xD. originally it was Kngr2, but changed over time to Ty-Kngr because my first name is Ty .