Greetings Heroes! We now have a Cube World PVP Server! Thanks to the great guys at #cuwo – we were able to bring up a Linux based PVP server! Please note that since this is linux-distro, it does not have entities or NPCs. It only has PVP. It is in a “plain” testing mode and will alway group/single pvp at any level. We will be working to restrict the levels and ip banning hackers, so watch out! Please use our reporting forum if you happen to see any strange activity/hacks! Cube World PVP Server Specs:Xeon e5-1620 (3.6ghz) 32GB ram 120GB SSD 1Gbps port … Cube World PVE server coming! We’re still configuring a PVE server so players can enjoy playing together but we’re tweaking the game so it more finely fits into our vision of what an MMORPG Cube World server should be like. Below you will find links to apply to the whitelist for the PVE cube world server once it does go live. Once the PVE server is online and ready we will be opening the floodgates for everyone to enjoy and adventure! Apply early Here! | Vote for Herocube | Hope to see you cubing!
PvE sounds interesting. What if you somehow make a server where all of it is PvE and then there is this one town you have to warp to (really far out of spawn) that will be PvP and if someone does get to reach it notifies them in chat with like an instamessage that it is a PvP area.
That'll probably be harder to implement than it is worth, although it does seem like a really fun idea. I think just having a dedicated PvP server and separate PvE server would be less trouble to be honest, less confusion to be had, and what if people actually wanted to use the town? etcetc
Well yea Just giving an idea out there. I think they are having it that way, a dedicated pvp server and pve server being separated.
Maybe next time you will be I'll be taking more screens when I can, hopefully a "Screen shot" function will be added into CW.