If this means i ban evaded it was false because this post was made 2 hours after my ban appeal and i made my appeal right after i was banned. Next time make sure you're 100%
I don't understand what you're trying to say? Fhyno needs common sence? He ban evaded? No one told me this. Can you pls make the next comments clear enough.
Holy fuck. Why would I be talking to FHYNO. He doesn't have a FORUM ACCOUNT. I can tell you things but I can't understand them for you man Btw fhyno got banned a few minutes ago on the server, we talked to kainzo and he banned him
ok anything! I do not just hack a person began to say dirty hack the whole team therefore rammène now I'm ban free people crying behind their screen ... ok agree fuck the logic
Sora english is obviously not his first language, or maybe not any of his languages for that matter. Today I heard him say "spam your O key and see what happens" to people who accused him of hacking. I think this is why he's saying he doesn't hack and that can be possible. However, fhyno should still be banned for glitch abuse from his torrented game so don't worry about it.