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Potions Are Overpowered...

Discussion in 'Bugs & Suggestions' started by N8, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    Hello everyone reading this. Me and several of the community members have been discussing potions lately. We have all concluded that potions are pretty overpowered and something needs to be done about it. Now I'm aware of the limitations. We can't just go creating a cool-down on a potion out of no where. It'd take some sort of modifications on the client's side. Which could hurt the player-base and cause more problems such as bugs. (I'm pretty sure that's how it works)

    For the developers/administrators

    I'd like to propose the removal of potions until further notice. It seems that the only way potions would see a balancing is if Wollay was to do it himself, and we all know that could be a while. As far as I know, we are the only PvP server (Active at least) on Cube World, and we need a placeholder for the time being. Ridding of the potions will introduce more value in food, which i find to be completely balanced, and it would increase the value of a mage, and also gives an incentive to join a guild. (Healing) Players getting ganged up on or outnumbered will now be heading to the forums to apply for guilds, which also increases activity in our forums.

    (At the very least, remove the potions for a week to see how things go)

    I'd like to hear some feedback from the very few who are active on the forums. Please take a second of your time to reply.


    Edit: Recieved word that there is currently no way to "Ban" potions at the moment. Please tell me this isn't true. Awaiting confirmation.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
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  2. Scroats

    Scroats Member

    Jul 18, 2013
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Potions really are only a dis advantage to the meta game as I see it. Even more of the neigh sayers of anti-potting have come to our side.

    It takes away from the role of water mages // removing potions would make more comps have water mage as an essential pick up.
    With the rise of new builds / skill comps / gear comps potions are only serving to create unbalance to allowing some builds an insanely high survival rate with little skill.

    I do know that most clan heads are against potting in their clans as well as most of the core crew of players have agreed to either kill on site potters or to just ignore them and not fight them.

    Pleeeeease Kainzo could we try removing them for a bit but keeping food. If you ask in game you will see that the majority of us agree. Could we at least hold a vote? We're definitely the forefront server of crafting the pvp meta game and we have the chance to set a standard that could really improve it.
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  3. Solos

    Solos New Member

    Jul 25, 2013
    3 words, Potions are Gey. Potions should really be taken away in a PvP server. I wouldn't mind having foods though, cause when you use food you have to stop and eat them. I don't like people using potions during battle, its really too OP.
  4. Skyfall

    Skyfall New Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I agree with n8 !
  5. Azuhariet

    Azuhariet New Member

    Jul 27, 2013
    Potions are really annoying and since MOST people who spam potions hacked in infinite amounts, they make the game incredibly unbalanced. In my opinion, potions should be banned, food should be allowed, and people who have infinite potions should be banned.
  6. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    I don't disagree with this or agree. I must say that potions are quite annoying at times however, just as one person has potions all of us can have them. Thus if you lose to potions it's your own fault and yours alone.

    I am not going to side with anyone on this however I will bring some points to your attention: first of all even now Water mages are quite powerful the only way to kill a good water mage is to stun and dump all your DPS onto him/her. Taking potions away will in turn give the only combat healing to water mages, rendering them way too over powered in my opinion at least.

    Secondly I rarely play with potions now despite having multiple enemies using potions, if you're good at dodging and above par with your classes skills you can easily teach a potion user a good lesson. The only unfair point of potions is when someone hacks the tier of them causing them to insta-heal or heal way too much. These are my thoughts on the potions problem.
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  7. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    Thanks for the Input Tyk. :) But I'll have to say, all types of food would still be available to use. Which wouldn't make the water mage the only healing capable class. You could easily go hide behind a cliff or rock and sit to eat. But instead of insta-healing with one pot after another you are gaining all of your hp back in a really reasonable time. Plus you are being somewhat punished by having to sit.
    A rogue with 50 power 97 potions can out heal a water mage. Playing a water mage myself frequently, I have to say that it is a skill to manage your MP usage. I find myself running out of MP in dire need of a heal after spending most of it trying to get a knockup on an enemy, (which isn't easy at all) while any warrior/rogue with abundant amounts of potions can just spam Q and everything is k.
  8. grey

    grey Member

    Jul 24, 2013
    I only see 3 water on server and all potion user I see drink infinite
  9. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    Ain't that the truth.
  10. Tyk

    Tyk PvP Moderator

    Jul 9, 2013
    How can you tell it's infinite?
  11. TheNinth

    TheNinth Developer PvP Moderator

    Jul 15, 2013
    *cough cough* You have potions too, you know

    As a player, I say this situation is getting hilariously stupid. Potions are there to heal you. They are your friends. Therefore you should use them if the opponent uses them. It really isn't difficult to stun a moving target, and once they are stunned you can easily outdo the effects of their potion. It's completely unreasonable to stop everyone drinking that which is a part of the game, but you can always have a guild that does not accept potters (currently all of them, so good job on creating your anti-potting environment, it's really cool) and have fights between themselves and others.

    As an admin, I say this situation is getting out of hand to the point where you gang up on people on the server who are experiencing this game to the fullest with everything they can, and in some cases ruining their Herocube experience. Seriously, get a hold of yourselves. Not fighting them at all can sometimes even be worse. You have clans, right? So train everyone some anti-potion tactics, and then you won't have any trouble. That's how to solve overpowering aspects, to counter them. Just read The Art of War.

    As a developer, I apologise. We can't do anything about potions without modifying the client, because wollay hasn't really made a client that obeys the server much. Hopefully in his next updates he will add a potion timer or a way to remove them, and by that time we will be able to have an even better discussion with an even bigger player base. So please bear with us for now, in the Alpha stages of Cube World, a state we forget the game is in.

    Thanks for reading my one rebuttal and three responses.
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  12. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    Potions are there to heal you, yes. But this game wasn't built around PvP. Therefore, potions just happen to be crazy overpowered in a PvP aspect. There needs to be at least a cooldown on the time of use for at least 30 seconds. I'm very aware of the limitations of what you all can do, as I've stated above. What I was shooting for was the removal of them for at least a week. (My explanations in post)
    It's pretty clear that a good majority of the very very small player-base we even have find potions quite annoying at the very least.

    As for ganging up on people on the server and "ruining experiences", I haven't done so. Most new players that come to the server with a positive attitude, I'm the only one to welcome, and offer help to. I pretty much answer every noob question that is asked most times while others laugh at them or ignore them.

    But what I will do every time someone pots more than 5 times in a single fight is headhunt them, and usually the server is behind me helping do it. I don't use pots because I choose not to. I want a quick, fair fight whether it's long and drawn out, or a short insta-kill. I don't want to have to cross the seven seas to chase down some random person downing a godlike amount of potions into his digestive system second by second. That is what is not fun.

    Just vision this in your head. Replacing all these pot heads with some soup or mushroom foods.

    Edit: Ninth I really try to keep sarcasm on a low low. This is just a debate thread and I'm not trying to stir up anything. We as players are just giving feedback.
  13. Scroats

    Scroats Member

    Jul 18, 2013
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    TheNinth you must not pvp that much. It isn't that easy to stun someone out of pot usage especially if I stunned you and blew all my dps on you and you just run and pot. If I use pots no one will ever kill me. It'll become this huge game of everyone getting hit potting going back to combat back and forth back and forth. Separate the servers if you have to then with one being hardcore (no pots) and one being casual (pots) and you'll see which server is more full.
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  14. Scroats

    Scroats Member

    Jul 18, 2013
    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    and a lot of us go to newbs and maybe own them a few times but then we usually engage them in fun pvp and have a and uprise of happy new players. Look at Grey he started with nothing, no gear, no levels and now look at him. He stuck with getting owned and we eventually rewarded his diligence in sticking to the ethics of combat.

    Hell I'm tempted to use potions just to prove my point. It won't be fun or fair and you'll see a much higher degree of complaints if us core and frankly higher skilled players decide to pot.
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  15. Jasquan

    Jasquan Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Denmark, Fyn, Ringe/Faaborg
    You're really that clingy to PVP that you'd actually chase someone down that's just drinking a potion and fleeing? Yes, I know it's a PVP server, but hell, if the guy runs, and for some weird-ass reason, you can't get to stun him, then just leave him. Seriously.
    "Oh, you're healing, huh. Screw you, I'll just leave, then, and fight someone who DOESN'T use potions." Sure, he could chase you, I guess, but then you could, oh, I don't know. Stun him?
    If enough people who use potions see this happen to them, they'll see they need to stop using potions. Or they'd just keep on using potions and never PVP, but what the hell ever.
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  16. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    You seem very upset. For what reason? I have no idea. Thanks for the input though. Every bit of feedback helps.
  17. Kainzo

    Kainzo Disposable Hero Supporter IV

    Jul 3, 2013
    We're working on some method to restrict potion use.

    Either it will be 1) no hacked / super high level potions and /or 2) Potion cool downs (1-3mins i'm sure)
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  18. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    Holy mother of Kainzo thank the lord Grey, let's bow our heads and prey.
  19. Vizjun

    Vizjun PvP Moderator

    Jul 23, 2013
    I can't wait for this to be implemented.
  20. Jasquan

    Jasquan Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Denmark, Fyn, Ringe/Faaborg
    Sorry, I tend to get really pissed when people complain about PVP :p
    Just ignore the upset-looking parts.