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Nate's Herocube Application

Discussion in 'Applications' started by N8, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. N8

    N8 Forum Moderator PvP Moderator

    Jul 21, 2013
    1. In-game name: Nate, nate, N8, n8 (Anything Nate pretty much)
    2. Location & Age: United States/GMT -5 (20 years old)
    3. Referral(s)[Optional]:
    4. Have you voted for Herocube (No? Click here)?: I've voted on every website today, and will continue to do so.
    5. Reason you should be accepted to CubeWorld Server: I'm really easy to get along with, (Can be a bit edgy at times though) I find myself to be pretty skilled at this game and will help keep a guild with my friend XSpectra. I will go out of my way to help and assist new players at getting good at the game and settleing in. I'm happy here and I hope to continue enjoying my stay.