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Mooni rpg Application

Discussion in 'Applications' started by Mooni, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Mooni

    Mooni New Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    1. In-game name: Mooni
    2. Location & Age: Sweden, 19 years old.
    3. Referral: Klaara
    4. Have you voted for Herocube?: Yes
    5. Reason you should be accepted to CubeWorld Server: I have played many mmorpg's and im really looking forward to see it being done in cubeworld. I can also help to moderate and/or test new feuters/bugs or anything simulare. I can also help with suggestions on how/what you can improve or do next to increase the rpg feeling. I have also been moderating many swedish forums and servers for diffrent games such as counter-strike: source and minecraft. I have also tryed creating my own community a couple of times but closed becouse of lack of players or having a hard time with ddos. Currently im mostly intressted in Warriors in a rpg perspective but i can try whatever you want me to.
    If you want to know anything else about me you can ask in this thread or send me a pm.