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Chat Suggestion! :3

Discussion in 'Bugs & Suggestions' started by Evilcubez, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Evilcubez

    Evilcubez New Member

    Jul 22, 2013
    So recently I was playing PVP and it came to me as though the chat in the bottom left wasn't clear enough. I got confused very easily because almost every single colour is the same.
    So what I'm saying is that when it sais something like '[RED] Red Killed Blue!'
    you should make it so that the [RED] and the person on the Red team's name is Red in chat. Yer know what I'm saying? :p
    (and the same for blue)
    It would be more cooler and more clearer. :3
  2. ZeZeene

    ZeZeene The Technomancer Supporter IV

    Jul 2, 2013
    Control Room One
    While this would be absolutely awesome to have, it's sadly not possible (yet) without any modifications to the client.
    Right now messages can only be white, however we have managed to find a way to mane names in chat either blue or white. So to make things a bit clearer, your own name will be displayed in white from now on =)
    (This is currently on our test server, however we expect it to land up on the PvP server within a day or two)
  3. Kainzo

    Kainzo Disposable Hero Supporter IV

    Jul 3, 2013
    We definitely want to make chat options better. It's unfortunately how limited we are on the client side of things. As Zezeene stated, we're trying!
  4. Evilcubez

    Evilcubez New Member

    Jul 22, 2013
    Well. you know how when you connect and disconnect, it sais it in Orange? Is there not a way to have it so that Red would be orange or something? Sorry, I may be abit stupid when it comes to tech stuff. (and other)